agarics & Agaricales

January 19, 2025 Redid GenBank/MycoCosm sequence search for all genera
Results: 26 genera with improved sequence status; 1 genus with decreased sequence status
Noted Lichenomphaliaceae threatened by Coraceae and Dictyonemataceae
Fixed status of Cortinarius a latonym having been neglected on tree file
Removed Phyllotopsidaceae from list of threatened family names, per conservation (May, 2024; Wilson, 2024)
Removed Psathyrellaceae from list of threatened family names, per protection (Wilson, 2024)
Removed Macrotyphula from list of threatened genus names, per conservation (ibid.)
Removed Aleurocystis, Armillaria, Coprinellus, Coprinopsis, Dendrocollybia, and Neolentinus from list of threatened genus names, per protection (May, 2024; Wilson, 2024)

January 15, 2025 Deprecated Irpicodon and Plicaturopsis as synonyms of Plicatura (Palla & al., 2024)
Malphyly of Plicaturopsis and Plicatura thereby resolved.
Accepted Leucoagaricus as a strictonym of Leucocoprinus (Yang & al., 2024)
Added Candelolepiota and Macropsalliota as strictonyms of Leucocoprinus (ibid.)
Updated Micropsalliota status from maltaxon of Leucocoprinus to strictonym thereof (ibid.)
Split Lycoperdaceae into Lycoperdaceae and Mycenastraceae (ibid.)
Split Battarreaceae into Battarreaceae, Phelloriniaceae, and Tulostomataceae (ibid.)
Corrected Schulzeria status to nom. dub. (no longer threatening Leucocoprinus) (Singer, 1986)
Split Hymenochaetaceae s.str. into Hymenochaetaceae s.str. and Coltriciaceae (Zhao & al., 2024)

January 14, 2025 Added Pseudophylloporus (Qin & al., 2024)
Added Fuscospina, Leptocaulis, Lycoperdiscus, Pseudoperdon, and Sinoperdon (Li & al., 2024)
Accepted Globaria and Utraria (ibid.)
Deprecated Gastropila and Langermannia synonyms of Calvatia (no longer strictonyms) (ibid.)
Added Utraria type species U. excipuliformis (Larsson & Jeppson, 2008)
Accepted Arachnion as no longer a strictonym of Lycoperdon (corrected interpretation of Gube 2009)
Replaced author-year citations with numerical citation keys in spreadsheet

November 14, 2024 Added Conobolbitina and Conocybula (Song & Bau, 2024)
Added Neotricholomopsis (Fan & al., 2024)
Corrected Caloporus reason for deprecation to usage (Spirin & al., 2024a)
Corrected Piptoporus reason for deprecation to priority (ibid.)
Noted Fomitopsis proposed for conservation (Spirin & al., 2024b)
Noted Caloporus and Daedalea proposed for rejection (ibid.)

November 8, 2024 Added Peckorumyces (Li & al., 2024)
Added Stratocorticium (Zhang & al., 2024)
Moved Cericium to Cyphellaceae (ibid.)
Updated Cericium sequencing status (ibid.)

August 10, 2024 Added Cyphelloporia (Karasiński & al., 2023)
Moved Rectipilus to Phyllotopsidaceae (ibid.)

August 4, 2024 Split Marasmiaceae into Marasmiaceae and Campanellaceae (Oliveira & al., 2024)
Lumped Hymenogloea into Marasmius (ibid.)
Moved Brunneocorticium to Campanellaceae (ibid.)
Lumped Heinemannomyces into Hymenagaricus (Yang & al., 2024)
Updated several type countries and type continent citations.
Removed "type (in genus)" columns.

July 19, 2024 Added suborder Mycenineae (He & al., 2024)
Split Schizophyllineae from Pleurotineae (ibid.)
Split Sarcomyxineae from Phyllotopsidineae (ibid.)
Rearranged Agaricales suborder topology in tree (ibid.)

June 24, 2024 Deprecated Leucoagaricus as no longer a strictonym of Leucocoprinus (see Asif & al., 2024)
Noted Cortinarius as latonym of Aureonarius, Austrocortinarius, Calonarius, Cystinarius, Hygronarius, Mystinarius, Phlegmacium, Thaxterogaster, and Volvanarius (Gallone & al., 2024 (preprint))
Deprecated Maireina as a synonym of Merismodes (Silva-Filho & al., 2023)

May 30, 2024 Placed Cercopemyces, Cystodermella, and Ripartitella in Squamanitaceae (see Liu & al., 2021; Kraisitudomsook & al., 2024)

May 24, 2024 Deprecated Collybia as a synonym of Clitocybe (He & Yang, 2024)
Updated accepted synonyms of Leucocalocybe, Microcollybia, and Rubeolarius to Clitocybe (ibid.)
Changed type species of Clitocybe to C. phyllophila (ibid.)
Noted type species of Clitocybe is misconstrued (formally Agaricus infundibuliformis in Infundibulicybe); conservation has been proposed (ibid.)
Added Globuliciopsis (Gorjón & al., 2024)

May 19, 2024 Added invalid, accepted new genera "Impudipilus", "Levipedipilus", "Ligymnopus", "Neomarasmius", and "Vestipedipilus" (RETRACTED: Hu & al., 2024)
Noted "Impudipilus" (2024) threatened by Caripia (1898)

May 9, 2024 Added missing synonyms of Fomitopsis: Antrodiopsis, Brunneoporus, Buglossoporus, Caloporus, Cartilosoma, Daedalella, Dentiporus, Flavidoporia, Fragifomes, Melanoporia, Neoantrodia, Neolentiporus, Niveoporofomes, Pilatoporus, Piptoporus, Pseudoantrodia, Pseudofomitopsis, Ranadivia, Rhizoporia, Rhodofomes, Rhodofomitopsis, Rubellofomes, Ungulidaedalea (see Spirin & al., 2024)

April 6, 2024 Placed Tectella in Sarcomyxaceae (Phyllotopsidineae) (Vizzini & al., 2024)
Placed Leucocortinarius in Amanitaceae (ibid.)
Placed Resupinataceae in Pleurotineae (ibid.)
Moved Rimbachia to Agaricales i.s. (ibid.)
Placed Omphaliaster and Trichocybe in Lyophyllaceae (ibid.)
Placed Pseudoclitopilus in Macrocystidiaceae (ibid.)
Placed Aspropaxillus in Pseudoclitocybaceae (ibid.)
Moved Paralepistopsis to Tricholomatineae i.s. (ibid.)
Noted Hygroaster may phylogenetically belong to Hygrocybe (ibid.)

March 28, 2024 Added suborder Typhulineae (Vizzini & al., 2024) with topology according to Wang & al., 2023
Lumped Schizophyllineae into Pleurotineae (Vizzini & al., 2024)
Lumped Sarcomyxineae into Phyllotopsidineae (ibid.)
Added families Aphroditeolaceae, Paralepistaceae, Pseudoomphalinaceae, and Xeromphalinaceae (ibid.)
Lumped Asproinocybaceae into Lyophyllaceae (ibid.)
Split Pluteaceae into Limnoperdaceae, Melanoleucacae, Pluteaceae, and Volvariellaceae (ibid.)
Placed Giacomia in Melanoleucaceae (ibid.)
Split Hygrophoraceae into Cantharellulaceae, Cuphophyllaceae, Hygrocybaceae, Hygrophoraceae, and Lichenomphaliaceae (ibid.)
Placed Hygrophorocybe in Cuphophyllaceae (ibid.)
Corrected suborder placement of Pterulaceae and Radulomycetaceae to Phyllotopsidineae in spreadsheet

March 22, 2024 Noted recommendation of conservation of threatened names Typhula, Macrotyphula, Phyllotopsidaceae (May, 2024)
Noted recommendation of protection of threatened names Armillaria, Coprinellus, Coprinopsis, Dendrocollybia, Neolentinus, Psathyrellaceae (ibid.)
Noted recommendation of suppression of the work containing the threatening names Agarico-fungus and Digitellus (ibid.)
Corrected accepted synonym of type species of Nolanea (and synonyms Lanolea, Latzinaea) to N. sericea (May, 2024)
Updated sequence search for Nolanea (result: type species sequenced)

March 14, 2024 Added Fomitopsis (Spirin & al., 2024)
Deprecated Daedalea, Subantrodia as synonyms of Fomitopsis (ibid.)
Noted Fomitopsis threatened by Daedalea (ibid.)
Noted Fomitopsis threatened by Xylostroma, Spelaeomyces
Updated accepted synonym of Phaeodaedalea to Perennihirschioporus (ibid.; Figueroa & Decock, 2007; Zhou & al., 2023)
Noted Perennihirschioporus threatened by Phaeodaedalea
Added Metacampanella (Petersen & Hughes, 2024)
Added Tenuimyces (Liu & al., 2023)
Added Endopandanicola as a synonym of Panus (Sousa-Guimarães & al., 2024)

March 2, 2024 Accepted Pseudolyophyllum (He & al., 2023)
Deprecated Leucocalocybe as a synonym of Collybia (ibid.)
Updated accepted synonym of Rubeolarius to Collybia (ibid.)
Removed listing of Collybia and Lepista as paramaltaxa of Clitocybe (ibid.)
Deprecated Clitocella as a synonym of Lulesia (Vizzini & al., 2023)
Added Hyphoradulum as a synonym of Crustomyces (Miettinen & al., 2023)

November 16, 2023 Added Marasmiellomycena and Vizzinia (Senanayake & al., 2023)
Noted Marasmiellomycena and Vizzinia may phylogenetically belong to Porotheleum (ibid.)
Added Conoloma (Wang & al., 2023)
Added suborders Sarcomyxineae and Phyllotopsidineae (ibid.)
Moved suborder Clavariineae to basal position in Agaricales (ibid.)
Moved Typhulaceae to Agaricales i.s. (ibid.)
Noted Gerronema and Megacollybia may phylogenetically belong to Trogia (Chalange & Moreau, 2023)
Updated names and branching of Boletales suborders (Wu & al., 2023 (preprint))
Simplified criteria for names to be uneligible for sequence searches to "no type", "typonym", or "fossil"
Newly eligible names: "Omphalomyces" Battarra 1755, "Picromyces" Battarra 1755, "Pterula" Fr. 1821, "Phaeomycena" R. Heim 1945
Abandoned whole-genus sequence searches for deprecated names (i.e., eligible deprecated names with only non-type species sequenced are now considered unsequenced)
Renamed sequence columns for clarity (now "type specimen sequences", "type species sequences", "genus sequences", and "summary sequences")
Updated sequences & sequence status for Clitopiloidea

October 20, 2023 Added Owingsia (Voitk & al., 2022)
Noted type species of Owingsia is misconstrued (construed as Agaricus umbellifer sensu Voitk & al. (Physalacriaceae); should be treated as A. umbellifer (Hygrophoraceae), until a formal proposal for conservation or rejection has been submitted and rejected, per ICN Art. 57.1)
Note: type species are displayed on this site as construed; Owingsia construed type has no scientific name so therefore is left empty; Owingsia therefore ineligible for sequencing status
Corrected authorship for Omphalia to (Pers.) Gray, and for "Omphalia" (isonym) to (Pers.) Staude (see Redhead & Weresub, 1978)
Corrected type species for Phalomia to Agaricus campanella (typified by Clements & Shear, 1931)
Lichenomphalia therefore no longer threatened by Phalomia
Noted Xeromphalina now threatened by Phalomia
Phalomia no longer eligible for sequencing status (typonym of Xeromphalina)
Phytoconis now eligible for sequencing status (least incorrect name whose type is synonymous with Lichenomphalia umbellifera)
Noted Chrysobostrychodes illegitimate (ICN Art. 52.1)

October 17, 2023 Added Eoscyphella (Silva-Filho & al., 2023)
Added Perennihirschioporus and Pseudotrichaptum, split from Trichaptum (Zhou & al., 2023)
Accepted Hirschioporus as independent from Trichaptum (ibid.)
Split Nigrofomitaceae into Trichaptaceae and Hirschioporaceae (agarics absent from Nigrofomitaceae s.str.) (ibid.)
Updated type species' current name for Trichaptum to T. perrottetii (ibid.)
Added Dendrocladium as a synonym of Phaeoclavulina (Cooper, 2023)
Noted Ramaria and Turbinellus may be synonymous with Gomphus (ibid.)
Updated Phaeodaedalea accepted synonym from Trichaptum to Daedalea (Liu & al., 2023)
Corrected Botrydiopsis status to rejic. (ICN Appendix III)
Changed citation for Leucocoprinus s.l. taxonomy to Redhead, 2023
Added missing Leucocoprinus s.l. taxonomy to tree
Corrected citation for Calvatia s.l. taxonomy to Bates, 2004

June 24, 2023 Added Luteodorsum (Peng & al., 2023)
Added Cericium (Li & al., 2022)
Added Leucoporus (Index Fungorum)
Accepted Pulverolepiota as no longer synonymous with Cystolepiota (Qu & al., 2023)
Updated Fusispora reason for deprecation as nom. dub. (Vellinga, 1987)
Added Jugisporipsathyra as the accepted synonym for the now orth. var. Iugisporipsathyra (Index Fungorum)
Renumbered Gymnopus (Pers.) Roussel 1806 to [#92310] (Index Fungorum)
Added Gymnopus (Pers.) Gray 1821 [#17703] as an isonym (Index Fungorum)
Moved Nigrofomitaceae within Hymenochaetaceae s.l. (Wang & al., 2023)
Removed Coltriciaceae: synonymized with Hymenochaetaceae s.str. (ibid.)
Split Rickenellaceae into Rickenellaceae s.str. and Rickenellaceae s.l. i.s. (ibid.)

March 18, 2023 Added Rachipsathyra (Voto & al., 2022)
Deprecated Panaeolopsis for Panaeolus (Angelini & Voto, 2023)
Placed Crucispora in Galeropsidaceae (see Chou & al., 2021; GenBank MZ782082.1)
Removed Chaetocypha as not presumed to be in Agaricales (Donk, 1959)
Updated type species' current name for Cheimonophyllum to C. haedinum (Valade & Moreau, 2023)
Placed Resupinatus in Resupinataceae (Psurtseva & al., 2021)
Moved Melanoleuca to Agaricales i.s. (Varga & al., 2019; Justo & al., 2011)
Moved Xeromphalina s.l. to Agaricales i.s. (Olariaga & al., 2020)
Removed Coprinellus s.l. and Psathyrella s.l. groupings pending evidence of monophyly
Added suborder names and branching for Boletales to tree (Wu & al., 2021)
Moved Clavariineae sister to Hygrophorineae in tree (Varga & al., 2019)
Moved Pterulaceae and Radulomycetaceae into Pleurotineae in tree (Dentinger & al., 2015; Olariaga & al., 2020)
Moved Phaeoclavulina out of Gomphaceae into Gomphales i.s. (Giachini & al., 2010)
Moved Nigrofomitaceae outside Hymenochaetaceae s.l. (no treatment of the former as within the latter since its resurrection)
Redid GenBank/MycoCosm sequence search for all genera
Results: 23 genera with improved sequence status

December 24, 2022 Added Australocybe, Nigrocarnea, Phaeotephrocybe, and Praearthromyces (van de Peppel & al., 2022)
Added Hertzogia (Wiest, 2022)
Added Butlerelfia (GenBank MH861276.1)
Added Effusomyces (Li & al., 2022)
Deprecated Cystidiodontia and Rigidotubus for Crustomyces (ibid.)

August 17, 2022 Added Iugisporipsathyra (Wang & al., 2022)
Added Paramarasmius (Antonín & al., 2022)

June 16, 2022 Added Gomphocantharellus (Xu & al., 2022)
Added Retiperidiolia (Kraisitudomsook & al., 2022)
Accepted Dissoderma as independent from Squamanita (Saar & al., 2022)
Moved Pterulaceae and Radulomycetaceae into Agaricales i.s. (MycoCosm)
Added missing table entry in PDF for phylogenetic doubt regarding independence of Nidula from Nidularia

April 9, 2022 Renamed Porotheleaceae s.l. to Cyphellaceae s.l. (Cyphellaceae has priority; most genera here treated as Cyphellaceae in Vizzini & al., 2022)
Moved Baeospora, Caulorhiza, Flavophlebia, Mycenella, Mycopan & Pleurella from Marasmiineae i.s. or Agaricales i.s. to Cyphellaceae s.l. (ibid.; implied by existing citations in the spreadsheet)
Removed phylogenetic doubt for Mycopan, supported as independent from Pleurella (ibid.)
Noted Ceratellopsis, Macrotyphula, Typhula & Phyllotopsidaceae proposed for conservation (Olariaga & al., 2022a; 2022b)

March 24, 2022 Added Hydropodia and Pseudohydropus (Consiglio & al., 2021)
Updated Porotheleum as gilled (ibid.)
Added Afrocantharellus (Tibuhwa & al., 2012)
Added Auricularia (some gilled frbs in the A. mesenterica group) and synonyms Agarico-gelicidium, Auricula Battarra, Auricula Battarra ex Kuntze, Auriculariella, Conchites, Hirneola Fr., Hirneola Velen., Laschia Fr., Oncomyces, Patila, Seismosarca & Zonaria
Noted Auricularia type misconstrued as A. tremelloides = A. mesenterica; actual type is A. reflexa = Stereum hirsutum (see Donk, 1958; ICN Art. 38.5)
Noted Auricularia (1785) threatened by Patila (1763)
Corrected Cereicium status to inval. (ICN Art. 40.1)
Removed incorrect indication of Calonarius as threatened by Cereicium
Noted Britzelmayria, Candolleomyces, Hausknechtia & Olotia sometimes lumped into Psathyrella (s.l.) (Voto, 2022)
Noted Punjabia, Tulosesus sometimes lumped into Coprinellus (s.l.) (ibid.)
Noted Coprinellus, Narcissea, Punjabia & Tulosesus may be synonymous with Psathyrella (s.l.) (ibid.; Wächter & Melzer, 2020)

March 6, 2022 Added Aureonarius Niskanen & Liimat. [#552143], Austrocortinarius Niskanen & Liimat. [#552197], Calonarius Niskanen & Liimat. [#552199], Cystinarius Niskanen & Liimat. [#552491], Hygronarius Niskanen & Liimat. [#552519], Mystinarius Niskanen & Liimat. [#552524] & Volvanarius Niskanen & Liimat. [#553603] (Liimatainen & al., 2022)
Removed phylogenetic doubt for Phlegmacium and Thaxterogaster as no longer synonyms of Cortinarius
Updated accepted name for Gymnocybe to Aureonarius; for Cereicium to Calonarius; Bulbopodium, Meliderma, Rhizopogoniella & Cyanicium to Phlegmacium; and Volvigerum, Gigasperma, Hygramaricium & Rapacea to Thaxterogaster
Noted Calonarius threatened by Cereicium
Added Paxilloboletus Furneaux, De Kesel & F.K. Khan [#840710] (Badou & al., 2022)
Deprecated Pterygellus for Craterellus (Cao & al., 2021)
Noted Micropsalliota may be synonymous with Leucocoprinus (Dutta & al., 2021)

February 15, 2022 Added Scotomyces Jülich [#18526] (in Agaricales i.s.) (GenBank MZ159527.1)
Accepted Phlegmacium and Thaxterogaster (Niskanen & Liimatainen, 2022)
Noted Phlegmacium and Thaxterogaster may (still) be synonymous with Cortinarius (rendered paraphyletic in e.g. Soop & al., 2019)
Updated Thaxterogaster status to type specimen sequenced (Nouhra & al., 2021)
Noted Agaricaceae (as Agaricaceae s.l.) threatened by Lycoperdaceae

January 22, 2022 Corrected Entoloma authorship to (Fr.) P. Kumm. (ICN Art. 41.4, Ex. 9)
Corrected Rhodophyllus status to illegitimate (ICN Art. 52.1)
Removed incorrect indication of Rhodophyllaceae (now understood to be illegitimate) as threatening Entolomataceae

January 19, 2022 Added Asproinocybaceae (Mou & Bau, 2021)
Changed Calyptella to gilled (e.g. MushroomObserver #482178)

December 15, 2021 Added Pseudotomentella Svrček [#18411] (as synonym of Polyozellus) (Svantesson & al., 2021)

October 16, 2021 Added Asperosporus Karl.-Ayala, Gazis & M.E. Sm. [#838905] (in Agaricaceae) (Karlsen-Ayala & al., 2021)
Updated type species' current name for Chrysomycena to C. dunicola (Villarreal & al., 2021)
Noted Heinemannomyces may be synonymous with Hymenagaricus (e.g. Liu & al., 2020)
Updated status for Incrustocalyptella to type species sequenced (GenBank 2019803028)
Updated status for Pseudolepiota to type specimen sequenced (Ge & Yang, 2017)

September 2, 2021 Added Gloeomucro R.H. Petersen [#17667] (in Clavariaceae) (MushroomObserver #465435)
Added Spathulina Pat. [#18568] (gilled; nom. dub.)
Noted Cystolepiota may be synonymous with Melanophyllum (Ge & al., 2021)

August 23, 2021 Accepted Collybiopsis, with type corrected to C. ramealis (Petersen & Hughes, 2021)
Deprecated Marasmiellus (synonym of Collybiopsis)
Added Heteropsathyrella T. Bau & J.Q. Yan [#838372] (Bau & Yan, 2021)
Accepted Claudopus as sometimes-split from Entoloma (MycoMatch (MatchMaker) Version 2.4)
Added Matula Massee [#8868] as synonym of Aleurocystis (Stalpers & al., 2021)
Added cyphelloid morphology to Aleurocystis
Added Acurtis Fr. [#17014] as synonym of Armillaria
Added gasteroid morphology to Armillaria
Removed Coccobotrys (no longer presumed synonymous with Leucoagaricus)
Noted Leucoagaricus as only sometimes-split from Leucocoprinus
Added Matula (threatening Aleurocystis), Acurtis (threatening Armillaria), and Sclerotium (threatening Macrotyphula) to threatened names list in PDF
Changed Ditiola P. Browne status to valid
Added Coltriciaceae as sometimes-split from Hymenochaetaceae s.l. (Wang & al., 2021)
Placed Hemimycena in Porotheleaceae s.l. (e.g. Matheny & al., 2020)
Removed Baeospora, Mycopan & Pleurella from Cyphellaceae into Marasmiineae i.s. (e.g. Olariaga & al., 2020; Varga & al., 2019 supplements)
Corrected Deconica type species to D. physaloides (e.g. Donk, 1962)
Delitescor now "eligible" as non-typonym synonym of Deconica
Added gasteroid morphology to Lactifluus (Lebel & al., 2021)
Corrected Albocoprinus status in PDF to unsequenced
Replaced missing authorship column for deprecated names in PDF

May 15, 2021 Redid GenBank/MycoCosm sequence search for all genera
Results: 11 genera with improved sequence status
Added phylogenetic doubt for Nidula (may be synonym of Nidularia - Kraisitudomsook & al., 2021)
Corrected placement of Dendrocollybia (mistaken in spreadsheet only) to Clitocybaceae

May 1, 2021 Added Spodocybe Z.M. He & Zhu L. Yang [#839050] (He & Yang, 2021)

March 25, 2021 Split Hymenochaetaceae into Hymenochaetaceae s.str. and Nigrofomitaceae (Kossmann & al., 2021)

February 11, 2021 Removed incorrect entry noting Cortinariaceae as threatened by earlier names
Added entry noting Gomphaceae threatened by Gautieriaceae (see e.g. Index Fungorum, BLAST for GenBank AF377066)

January 22, 2021 Accepted Contumyces (see e.g. Korotkin & al., 2018)
Corrected Calliderma type species to C. callidermum (Largent, 2020)
Added Clitopiloides [#838125] as the correct spelling for "Clitopiloidea" [#27573]
Corrected type species for Clitopiloides to C. cyathus
Revised sequences for Calliderma & Clitopiloides
Added Fibropilus fumosifolius as type (in genus) for Fibropilus
Renamed Tulostomataceae to Battarreaceae (correct but previously deprecated name; adopted at iNaturalist)

January 2, 2021 Added Albocoprinus Voto [#836341] (Voto, 2020)
Added Zelleromyces Singer & A.H. Sm. [#19356] (as synonym of Lactarius)
Moved Caulorhiza to Marasmiineae i.s. (see MushroomObserver #190445)
Added Boletinellus Murrill [#17167] & Boletinellaceae (gilled Gyrodon exiguus now accepted as Boletinellus exiguus; see Mei & al., 2020)
Removed Gyrodon & 8 of its synonyms
Corrected Eonema morphology to resupinate

December 1, 2020 Updated family Clitocybaceae as valid (Vizzini & al., 2020)
Moved Dendrocollybia to Clitocybaceae
Added Omphalinaceae for Omphalina & Infundibulicybe

November 26, 2020 Added Narcissea D. Wächt. & A. Melzer [#831471], Tulosesus D. Wächt. & A. Melzer [#831799], Britzelmayria D. Wächt. & A. Melzer [#831472], Candolleomyces D. Wächt. & A. Melzer [#832256], Hausknechtia D. Wächt. & A. Melzer [#831465], Olotia D. Wächt. & A. Melzer [#831466] & Punjabia D. Wächt. & A. Melzer [#831468] (Wächter & Melzer, 2020)
Updated type species' current name for Ephemerocybe to Tulosesus ephemerus
Noted Tulosesus (2020) threatened by Ephemerocybe (1889)
Added Pyrrhulomyces E.J. Tian & Matheny [#835046] (Tian & Matheny, 2020)
Moved Meottomyces to Hymenogastraceae s.l. i.s.
Noted phylogenetic doubt for Bogbodia (may be synonym of Hypholoma)
Updated type species for Hygroaster, H. nodulisporus, as valid (Ralaiveloarisoa & al., 2020)
Cited Sánchez-García & al., 2020 (preprint) for placement of Dermoloma & Pseudobaeospora in Tricholomataceae
Specified type country for Dermoloma as Sweden

November 1, 2020 Added Tricholyophyllum Qing Cai, G. Kost & Zhu L. Yang [#835969] (Cai & al., 2020)
Added Xanthoconium Singer [#18753] (see X. porophyllum), Aureoboletus Pouzar [#17129] (see A. shichianus) & synonym Frostiella Murrill [#17616]
Updated type species' current name for Leiotrametes to Cubamyces lactineus (Lücking & al., 2020)

September 1, 2020 Deprecated Copelandia & Panaeolina as synonyms of Panaeolus (treating as the consensus, see e.g. Hu & al., 2020)
Changed Copelandia type from misconstrued C. cyanescens to correct C. papilionacea (only concerned with misconstrued types of accepted names)
Copelandia no longer "eligible" (typonym of Panaeolus)
Accepted Phaeolepiota with lump/split doubt as part of Cystoderma s.l.; see e.g. Saar & al., 2016 and Liu & al., 2020 (preprint)
Moved Verrucospora to "Lepiotaceae" (Sysouphanthong & al., 2013)
Renamed "Lepiotaceae" to Verrucosporaceae (first/only known valid name)
Added phylogenetic doubt for Verrucospora (may be synonym of Lepiota - Varga & al., 2019)
Accepted Descomyces, Hysterogaster, Setchelliogaster & Timgrovea (with lump/split doubt as part of Descolea s.l.; see Kuhar & al., 2017 and Cooper, 2020)
Noted Descolea (1952) (s.l.) threatened by Hysterogaster (1928)
Updated type species' current name for Pseudodescolea to Descolea antarctica (Kuhar & al., 2017)
Pseudodescolea no longer "eligible" (typonym of Descolea)
Improved morphology categories for inconsistently accepted synonyms of Descolea & Trametes to refer to the split, not lumped circumscriptions
Added "maybe" category in spreadsheet for names only gilled under a lumped circumscription
Added ⛅ to more names in PDF for the newly clarified category

August 19, 2020 Added Fibulochlamys A.I. Romero & Cabral [#11037] (Madrid & al., 2010), Glutinoagger Sivan. & Watling [#8367] (GenBank MH873063.1), Mellomyces Singer [#92042], Boletopsis Henn. [#17173], and Lycoperdon Tourn. ex L. [#12138]
Moved Uncobasidium to Cyphellaceae
Changed Chamaemyces type from (correctly) alphitophyllus (typo in one place as fracidus) to ("misconstrued") fracidus
Accepted Chamaemyces; now "eligible" in place of Lepiotella
Added tables of names with nomenclatural & taxonomic issues to lightweight compendium
Added citations for taxonomic doubt to full compendium

August 16, 2020 Redid GenBank/MycoCosm sequence search for all genera, allowing some more use of GenBank synonymies
4 genera newly listed as sequenced
Added Akenomyces G. Arnaud [#25881] and Akenomyces G. Arnaud ex D. Hornby [#7084] (GenBank MH861635.1)
Moved Pseudolasiobolus from Agaricales i.s. to Cyphellopsidaceae (GenBank MN630583.1)

August 3, 2020 Added Pseudohelicomyces Garnica & E. Valenz. [#28428]
Fixed authors in citation for Jenkinson & al. (2014)
Minor formatting corrections

July 27, 2020 Added Austrolentinus Ryvarden [#605]

July 8, 2020 Added Pulverulina Matheny & K.W. Hughes [#835131] (Matheny & al., 2020)

June 15, 2020 Added suborder Clavariineae for family Clavariaceae (Olariaga & al., 2020)
Moved Typhulaceae to Pleurotineae
Added Phyllotopsidaceae in Pleurotineae for Phyllotopsis, Pleurocybella, Tricholomopsis & Macrotyphula
Added Sarcomyxaceae in Pleurotineae for Sarcomyxa
Moved Xeromphalina to Marasmiineae i.s.
Moved Aphroditeola to Pleurotineae i.s.
Moved Lutypha to Agaricales i.s.
Removed "lumping" doubt for Macrotyphula as part of Typhula
Changed accepted synonym for Sclerotium & Pteridium to Macrotyphula
Deprecated Pistillaria & Tygervalleyomyces for Typhula
Changed Typhula type to "misconstrued" (pre-conservation) T. incarnata
Added Ceratellopsis [#17259] & synonym Ceratella [#17257] with type "misconstrued" (pre-conservation) as C. acuminata
Noted Pterulicium threatened by Ceratellopsis
Revised morphologies for Typhula & Macrotyphula
Added Typhula subhyalina as synonym for Dacryopsella typhae
Pistillina now typonym of Dacryopsella, "eligible" instead
Sclerotium no longer threatening Typhula, now typonym of former Typhula, "eligible"
Revised sequences for Pistillina, Sclerotium, Typhula & Ceratellopsis

May 13, 2020 Added phylogenetic doubt for Tetrapyrgos (may be synonym of Campanella; see Komura & al., 2020)

May 6, 2020 Moved Macrometrula & Pouzaromyces (nom. dubia) from Agaricomycetes i.s. to Agaricales

May 5, 2020 Changed Cystocybe to nom. dub. (see Moreau, 2005)
Added Hydrotelamonia type species' current name; recollected sequences accordingly

May 1, 2020 Added Paramycetinis R.H. Petersen [#555792] and Pseudomarasmius R.H. Peterson & K.W. Hughes [#555729] (Petersen & Hughes, 2020)

April 21, 2020 Added IF-correction citations for many names
Fixed dates in Literature Cited (Horak, 1980b; Harmaja, 2002)

April 20, 2020 Updated publication years for Discocyphella & Filoboletus (IF)
Corrected Gymnocybe P. Karst. status to illegitimate (homonym of Gymnocybe Fr.)
Corrected type species (in genus) IDs for Cymbella, Cypharium & Paxillopsis

April 18, 2020 Added Rhizostroma Fr. [#9732]
Noted Megacollybia threatened by Rhizostroma

April 14, 2020 Added Agaricus pascuus β costatus as type species of Clitopiloidea (Largent, 1994)
Corrected Stichoclavaria type species' current name to "Holocoryne"

April 8, 2020 Distinguished Porotheleaceae s.l. (Actiniceps, Atheniella, Calyptella, Chaetotyphula, Lignomphalia, Phloeomana, Setigeroclavula, Scytinotus from Marasmiineae i.s.)
(also including Acanthocorticium, Henningsomyces, Rectipilus from Porotheleaceae s.str.)
from remaining genera in Porotheleaceae s.str.
Corrected large number of literature citations

April 7, 2020 Formatting fixes

April 4, 2020 Added "misc. capitate" morphology to Rhodoarrhenia
Fixed mistaken citations for family placement of Alnicola, Hebeloma, and Psathyloma

March 30, 2020 Changed Filoboletus to gilled (see Cooper & al., 2018)
Added phylogenetic doubt for Clitocella (may be synonym of Lulesia - Varga & al., 2019)
Added Cyathia P. Browne ex V.S. White [#801950]

March 27, 2020 Added Inflatostereum D.A. Reid [#17846]
Updated sequence status for Linderomyces, Gloeocantharellus, Phyllobolites (Linhares, 2018)

March 22, 2020 Moved Omphaliaster from "Clitocybaceae" to Tricholomatineae i.s. (corrected interpretation of Yu & al., 2011)

March 18, 2020 Deprecated Gloeocantharellus as synonym of Phyllobolites (Linhares, 2018)
Changed Ripartitella type species' current name to R. brasiliensis (Zhang & al., 2019)

March 17, 2020 Changed Gerhardtia type species' current name to G. borealis (Endo & al., 2019)
Added Haasiella venutissima as synonym of H. splendidissima (Vizzini & al., 2012)

March 14, 2020 Added Chrysomycena Vizzini, Picillo, Perrone & Dovana [#832697] (Vizzini & al., 2019)
Moved Actiniceps, Atheniella, Calyptella, Chaetotyphula, Lignomphalia, Phloeomana, Setigeroclavula, Scytinotus and their synonyms from Porotheleaceae to Marasmiineae i.s.
Deprecated Secotium as synonym of Chlorophyllum (Loizides & al., 2020)
Noted Chlorophyllum threatened by Secotium
Made Artymenium synonym of Chlorophyllum

March 2, 2020 Added Xerophorus (Bon) Vizzini, Consiglio & M. Marchetti [#831417] (Vizzini & al., 2020)
Deprecated Pleurocollybia as synonym of Callistosporium
Moved Bonomyces, Cleistocybe from Tricholomatineae i.s. to Biannulariaceae
Moved Anupama, Callistosporium, Guyanagarika, Macrocybe, Pseudolaccaria from Biannulariaceae to Callistosporiaceae